The fundamental diagrams of elderly pedestrian flow in straight corridors under different densities
Problem & Motivation
The movement characteristic lacks experimental study and data proof. We conducted controlled experiments of elderly pedestrians passing through the straight corridor. The density range of 0.2 to 3 m-2 are realized by changing the width of the inlet and outlet. Then, comparative analysis between the old Chinese and the young Germen under the same experimental setup was carried out to study the movement difference between these two groups.
We focus on the difference between the fundamental diagram of the elderly and the young. It can be found that the elders have lower speed and specific flow than the young under the same density. We succeeded to normalize the fundamental diagrams by using the mean velocities in low density regime (lower than 0.7 m-2). It is shown that the differences are mostly related to the different free velocities of the two groups. In addition, the elderly group have digger dpw (distance between the participants and the walls) and smaller dpp (distances between the participants) than the young group.
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Ren, X., Zhang, J., Song, W., & Cao, S. (2019). The fundamental diagrams of elderly pedestrian flow in straight corridors under different densities. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019(2), 023403.
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